Your message to us is an official document and generally in the public domain
When a report or complaint is received by Dalarna University, it is registered and given a reference number. As Dalarna University is a public authority, your message may become an official document. This means that anyone has the right to request access to it. The right to access official documents may, however, be restricted by confidentiality. Dalarna University always carries out a confidentiality assessment that may result in a decision not to disclose information that is covered by secrecy regulations.
With effect from 17 December 2021, a new provision in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act is intended to protect the identity of whistleblowers in the public sector. Secrecy applies to information that could reveal the identity of the person making the report in a follow-up case. The term ‘follow-up case’ refers, for example, to information revealed in a report about wrongdoings received via a whistleblowing function and information consisting of feedback to the person making the report.
The legal framework for the whistleblowing function is set out in the Act on Protection of Persons Reporting Wrongdoings (2021:890).